Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Journal Response #20

         I've always imagined the possibilities and advantages of being able to soar across the sky. It makes my choices unlimited, It can be a bluejay or a hawk. It can be a humming bird or even a dragon fly. My primary choice would be a raven. We have so much in common, black being are scheme. I would ask him the most obvious question of all, it would of course how it is to be able to fly. He or she would reply, telling me about the vast view and the freedom of being able to shoot across the sky. I would ask how they can feed their young in such a unusual way, well unusual to us. I would be interested if they enjoyed music. The raven being associated with death, I would wonder if it shared similar taste of music with me. If not I would introduce him or her. We would have a deep conversation about are similar color. He or she is always black and I seem to always end up wearing black. As well my hair always seems to express sorrow. The irony if our favorite colors we bright blue or yellow it would be something others wouldn't ever expect.