Saturday, December 3, 2011

Journal Response#1


Journal Response#2


Journal Response#3


Journal Response#4


Journal Response#5

        Adolescents from dysfunctional families, I believe have the most potential. That's why If I had the privilege of one million dollars T would choose to help teens from dysfunctional  families. As well teens in the hospital for suicide and drugs. With the money  I would help pave them a path with opportunities. Opportunities they have never had the chance to experience before. Teens go down the wrong road , and I personally believe its because they never had a chance to achieve their goals. I would built community centers, establish anti-drug clubs, and anything that can benefit teens. I believe everyone deserves a second chance, and starting these projects will give teens a brighter upside down the road.

Journal Response#6

      The issue I can recall is me trying to change my issues with my family. Well what family I have left. Always certain problems and discontent always running through us all. We can't always seem to get along, but it seems i'm the only one who tries. I have drastic issues with my mother and so does she with me. Its always this and that, i'm not complaining like a typical teenagers, but I honestly believe my mom is crazy. Well don't most teens argue the same case all the time?  I'm never good enough however I try. Some thing always occurs where I can't seem to maintain a healthy relation with my mother. I'm in a courtroom were I have to watch what I say. I follow a dress code, which I break. it's my most sincere personal issue which I face daily. Time can only tell if we can ever get along.

Journal Response#7

         I've had this idea in the back of my head for a long time. An idea for a torture method, a torture method for educational purposes. We always procrastinate when it comes to assignment and are always distracted by the television, or the internet. The idea of a jail cell, being locked up with absolutely nothing to do. If you were locked up nothing to do just include some homework. My Idea is a special part in the library. All the way in the back a special room were you are locked in with nothing to do. You sign a contract, the time depends on you, and no matter what the reason is you can't be released. locked with your homework chances are the boredom will lead to you working . Its a bizarre idea but perfect for students who are easily distracted.