Saturday, December 3, 2011

Journal Response#1


Journal Response#2


Journal Response#3


Journal Response#4


Journal Response#5

        Adolescents from dysfunctional families, I believe have the most potential. That's why If I had the privilege of one million dollars T would choose to help teens from dysfunctional  families. As well teens in the hospital for suicide and drugs. With the money  I would help pave them a path with opportunities. Opportunities they have never had the chance to experience before. Teens go down the wrong road , and I personally believe its because they never had a chance to achieve their goals. I would built community centers, establish anti-drug clubs, and anything that can benefit teens. I believe everyone deserves a second chance, and starting these projects will give teens a brighter upside down the road.

Journal Response#6

      The issue I can recall is me trying to change my issues with my family. Well what family I have left. Always certain problems and discontent always running through us all. We can't always seem to get along, but it seems i'm the only one who tries. I have drastic issues with my mother and so does she with me. Its always this and that, i'm not complaining like a typical teenagers, but I honestly believe my mom is crazy. Well don't most teens argue the same case all the time?  I'm never good enough however I try. Some thing always occurs where I can't seem to maintain a healthy relation with my mother. I'm in a courtroom were I have to watch what I say. I follow a dress code, which I break. it's my most sincere personal issue which I face daily. Time can only tell if we can ever get along.

Journal Response#7

         I've had this idea in the back of my head for a long time. An idea for a torture method, a torture method for educational purposes. We always procrastinate when it comes to assignment and are always distracted by the television, or the internet. The idea of a jail cell, being locked up with absolutely nothing to do. If you were locked up nothing to do just include some homework. My Idea is a special part in the library. All the way in the back a special room were you are locked in with nothing to do. You sign a contract, the time depends on you, and no matter what the reason is you can't be released. locked with your homework chances are the boredom will lead to you working . Its a bizarre idea but perfect for students who are easily distracted.

Journal Response#8


Journal Response#9

           With teacher's day there should be student's day, if there isn't already. With the overwhelming pressure from work students deserve a holiday. A day off, students day is a day where students take a day off class. A day where they can have relief.

Journal Response#10

        The best advice I have ever received would be "stay true to yourself". It's a strong trait which only a handful of people live by nowadays. People can easily be manipulated and fall into peer pressure. If its not you or if you don't feel comfortable with a situation don't do it for others. Don't follow others to be cool, and only influence yourself. Have positive role models to look up on, people who make positive contributions to the world. I always see good people fall into the wrong hands and its unfortunate to watch. Stay true to yourself, like I am and I believe things will come good. That's the best advice I have ever received.  

Journal Response#11

        I wish that universities would ask their prospective student more about their lives and not just solely on their scholastic abilities. For instance universities could possibly ask that if there has been a time in your personal life where you have been at your worst? and if so. how did you manage to surpass that struggle? By asking a question in this type of nature, the universities would get a true sense of our deep and real personalities. They would have a sense of how we deal with struggles and issues. They would see how every student does have struggles but can yet overcome their personal issues.

Journal Response#12

         The opening scene would be from any typical rebellious teenage movie. Music would be playing and it would be one of my favorite punk bands. It would be "God save the queen", while i'm in my bed dead asleep. The alarm would go off and I would simply ignore it. Mumbling to my self, I curse and say no way.  The nagging mother walks, so I rise and stare down my digital watch with a passion. I'm thirty minutes late, I rush and get dressed. No time for a shower , I grab a piece of toast and consume it down the stairs as I grab my board. I skitch on the first car I see. Up the hill. up to school, avoiding traffic I let go with the driver staring me down. I dash through the open gate, through the main office with every staff member looking in the most awkward way manner. Rushing to get to class, the music stops as I open the class door.

Journal Response#13

Dear Future roommate,

         Well what can I say, there's not so much to me really. I'm not this outgoing amazing fellow, but I enjoy what I can do. I can be hardworking when procrastination doesn't get the best of me. I'm very neat, organized so I won't really get in the way. I'm not very picky, but if something bothers me I won't hesitate to speak my mind. helping when I can is one my specialties so don't hesitate to ask. I come from a simple background. One mother and one brother. I'm very independent as I have always been on my own. I enjoy playing the guitar and i'm obsessed with it. I have a broad taste in music and am open to most new ideas. Can't wait to meet you in a few years. See you soon.

              future roommate,

Journal Response#14

         To me the quote states how someone can easily be corrupted by wealth. "The rags to riches" story can change everyone. It can lead to person selling out his beliefs or their friends and family. Money, wealth is the most manipulative force out there. People will do anything for wealth. Murder, drugs, prostitution, its unimaginable what people will risk. When you have wealth, I imagen, you feel as if you have power over others. The ability to have what ever you desire leads to corruption. It happens to superstars, rock stars and athletes and we see it on the new everyday. On the media, rock star found dead at hotel or a basketball player getting coaught with a prostitute. Someone who has wealth, I believe  it should be shared with others. I strongly believe in charities, funds, scholarships ,etc. wealth is a blessing that should require you to share with others.

Journal Response#15

         Many individuals may say that they contribute their intellectual abilities. As that is a positive factor to contribute, I believe that there are more farther contributions that can be made. For the college campus That I hope to attend to, I contribute my love for music. Playing guitar is a sense of euphoria to my life. I would want to help and track other individuals at the campus that music can be a stress reliever, a self-confidence buster and a all around positive aspect in their lives. The campus can have a positive outlook from the community, by stating that yes, we believe all forms of education are important. I would start a college club for students to go jam out when they need need relief from pressures of school.

Journal Response#16

         I have always taken risks. The only risk I know I have achieved would be my guitar journey. Taking the risks despite everyone saying how I "suck" or how should "quit". The experience had shown me how a person can accomplish anything no matter what people say. Everyday after school, hard work and even more hard work. Anyone who has worked hard know's the feeling of accomplishment.Now I pick up my guitar and play for people. I play songs that are out of everyone's league and I know I have reached success. Their faces's say everything, saying how i'm awesome and amazing at guitar, despite them at the end saying how it was alright. Liars I whisper and have the greatest feeling inside.

Journal Response#17

            My strongest concern, my strongest fear has to be my future. What i'm going to be and what i'm going to do. How i'm getting there and who's gonna support me. I'm a slacker , i'm lazy and  procrastination gets the best of me. I't concerns me that my laziness well defiantly be my downfall and I watch it happen slowly and slowly. Every attempt I have to change my life around usually gets sabotaged with issues with my mother. To her i'm this and that, but i'm usually the opposite. Watching everyone of my peers succeed, it depresses me. Suicidal, well close, hopeless. Its a strong concern that my grades are horrible and have no chances of being accepted anywhere. I can imagen my disappointed mother when I don't graduate with my class and when I do I won't be wearing black. Grades,grades, grades, constant F's and D's it makes anyone feel pathetic and worthless. Typing this I hope I can change my life around. My life and future are at jeopardy right now and change needs to be made.

Journal Response#18

        Due to the school being on the media lately, with the scandals about Castle Park I would choose to change our reputation . With the pencil rape and the teacher caught with meth its no wonder we have a reputation stating   we're "ghetto" or a "bad" school.  The students of Castle Park shouldn't be credited for the mistakes of a few students and staff. The media should pay closer attention to the positives of castle park instead of the negatives. We make many contributions to the community and achieve high test scores. Another concern I have is the favoritism teachers have with selected students. I find it very unfair for those students who maintain high grades with hard work and watch their fellow peers get the same grades but only because their favored by the teacher. It should all be equal but unfortunate it isn't. Its a strong concern of mine which I hope will be looked at.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Journal Response #19

         We all face the daily dilemma . Attending school can be tedious and a constant struggle for students. Many students can't seem to maintain their schedule with schoolwork and after school activities. Others just can't succeed academically. Do I believe should be mandatory, i'm in the middle, yes and no. Not all of us would like to pursue a career in biology or algebra. So why take those subjects? personally I choose to follow a career in music. My homework does get in my way and chemistry and algebra just seem to depress me. School should be mandatory only to a basic level of education. Basic grammar and math is essential. History is valuable to know and science explains everything. School should be more of an option  for those who seek a higher education. Those who prefer to be a professor or scientist maintain high grades, while the rest of people work. I can easily predict the masses staying in the same level of education, just as uneducated as before. Majority of students slack off and don't take their grades with importance.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Journal Response #20

         I've always imagined the possibilities and advantages of being able to soar across the sky. It makes my choices unlimited, It can be a bluejay or a hawk. It can be a humming bird or even a dragon fly. My primary choice would be a raven. We have so much in common, black being are scheme. I would ask him the most obvious question of all, it would of course how it is to be able to fly. He or she would reply, telling me about the vast view and the freedom of being able to shoot across the sky. I would ask how they can feed their young in such a unusual way, well unusual to us. I would be interested if they enjoyed music. The raven being associated with death, I would wonder if it shared similar taste of music with me. If not I would introduce him or her. We would have a deep conversation about are similar color. He or she is always black and I seem to always end up wearing black. As well my hair always seems to express sorrow. The irony if our favorite colors we bright blue or yellow it would be something others wouldn't ever expect.